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What IS boudoir photography?

RosaThe definition of boudoir photography is intimate, sexy, classy, beautiful photos of a woman for his or her eyes only. My style is focused on flattering, tasteful poses to highlight my client’s unique beauty while also only giving the illusion of nudity versus revealing what can be left to the imagination of the client or significant other. Everyone’s definition of sexy is different so I also welcome a sexy dress, for example, as well lingerie or whatever you feel comfortable in.

Who should do a boudior shoot?

I truly believe that every woman deserves to have a boudoir shoot…to celebrate who they are, exactly as they are or maybe to remind themselves of just how beautiful they are right here, right now.

Should I get a tan first?

No. I’ve seen a lot of tans go wrong and sometimes photograph a bit orange with intense tan lines.

Do you provide hair and makeup?

No. However, you may consider getting your hair professionally done prior to the photo shoot. As for makeup, I will cover that in our consultation meeting. Sometimes, for example, a woman says she wears very little makeup, but I will encourage a shade of lipstick that will enhance the photograph.

Do you photograph full-figured women?

YES! I photograph women of ALL shapes and sizes, of all ages, and from all walks of life! This isn’t about looking thinner, this is about looking beautiful! No matter what your body type, I want to help capture YOUR unique beauty.

Can I bring a friend to watch?

I do not allow anyone except for the client at the photo shoot.

How long is the photo shoot?

Normally we’ll start about 11 a.m. and finish somewhere about 3-4 p.m. So about 4-5 hours. If we are doing a simple photo shoot with one or two costume changes, then about 2 hours.

Will you post the photos on your website or social media?

Not without your permission. My client’s privacy is our number one priority. The clients you see on this site have given their exclusive permission for their photos to be highlighted. Without your consent, I will not post your boudoir photos publicly. I understand the sensitive nature of boudoir photography and have the utmost respect for your wishes to keep them entirely private and secure. If the photo shoot is in exchange for service, there is a model release that is signed at the beginning of the shoot.